05 August 2010

Cock-a-doodle doo!

I just discovered a Rooster Blog Party, at Bella Vista, and thought this would be a great way to introduce some of you to my husband, Jack's wonderful rooster paintings. Each one of them has such personality! Enjoy looking at the pictures, and for more info, go to his rooster blog here.
My favorite is the one he made into a travel advertisement for France. I just love the graphic quality of that one. Roosters remind us so much of France, in fact we've taken numerous pictures of chickens and roosters on our vacations to France. I am also in love with this bottom one, the rooster standing on one foot. 

I have other rooster pictures, tablecloths, bottle stoppers, tableware, sculptures, Limoges boxes, a chicken shaped wire basket to hold eggs, and more - all charming. but for this year, I'll highlight these paintings and let them shine on their own. 

As kind of an afterthought, I'm including a picture of one of the hens and roosters I painted on the cabinets in our old kitchen. This photo is not great, but you get the idea. I had a lot of fun painting those cabinets, and they were really uplifting to be around every day!
Enjoy looking...and don't forget to check out the other rooster blogs Friday, August 6th, at Bella Vista's 2nd Annual Rooster Blog Party!