12 January 2011

the blog GUIDEBOOK

I know a lot of my readers are fellow bloggers. In fact, I hardly know anyone who DOESN'T have a blog (well, okay, I exaggerate...) Since the pervasive climate of blogging incorporates so much good will and generosity, I thought I'd share a wonderful new resource I just discovered. the blog GUIDEBOOK is designed, written and maintained by two very creative gals from California: Sarah, who writes different Dogwood cottage, and Lyndsay, who writes Lyndsay & the johnsons.

What's interesting about the blog GUIDEBOOK is that it is a guide for creative types, listing blogs about home, art, cooking, etc. But it is also a terrific resource for how-to information on blogging. For instance they have video tutorials featuring tips and tricks for everyone from beginning bloggers to those of us who have been doing it for a while, but never knew how to do some specific cool thing on their own blog.

the blog GUIDEBOOK has additional links to other helpful sites for bloggers, including these:
blogU Creative Blogging, Moms Who Blog - hacks & hints for the busy blogger, and Tricks For New Bloggers. And the site points creative bloggers to links for free fonts, clip art, etc.

I can't wait to peruse some of the new blogs on this helpful site. But I have to admit my FAVORITE thing about it is their charming logo (top). Check out the site, and let me know what you think.