Is there any greater pleasure than sitting down with a beautiful, full-color book on interior design? I think not (although I must say, reading cookbooks comes in at a close second.) There are so many incredibly inspirational books on decorating, that I have amassed quite a library over the years. And I only buy the ones that really appeal to me - books I know I will use and refer to over and over again. It's the same with both decorating and cookbooks - there are just too many good ones to waste shelf space on any that aren't really reflective of one's passions.
Besides being a visual feast for the eyes, favorite tomes become like old friends over the years; still, I always find some new detail or idea I had previously missed when I open an old friend for perhaps the 50th familiar and yet so new!

The following is a short list of some of the decorating books I love most. These are books that, to me, are practically perfect in every way - gorgeous photography, descriptive and enlightening text, lots of little details as well as large-scale room shots. Of course, these are books that fit right in with my own style - mostly French country - definitely all loaded with La Joie de Vivre. Enjoy!
Charles Faudrée is one of my favorite decorators. I don't think I've ever "met" a room of his that I wouldn't be happy to move right into. His style is quintessential French country, charming and elegant, colorful and easy-going.

You know when you find a decorator you like, almost any book by or about that individual is sure to inspire. This is true, for me, with Charles Faudree, as well as with Carolyne Roehm and Charlotte Moss. Both of these talented ladies have been a big influence on me. Both can move from one classic style to another with aplomb (depending mostly on the location of the home they are designing.) Both create rooms that are lush with comfort and homey details - classic without being stuffy. Here are a few of my favorite books by Carolyne Roehm:
And two of my favorite publications by Charlotte Moss:
Perhaps my favorite duo in interior design today, is that of the amazing William Diamond and Anthony Baratta. I can spot a room of theirs instantly, in magazines. And fortunately, Diamond Baratta Design has published a fabulous book showcasing some of their best work. What inspires me most about them is their ability to take classic American (and some European) country and then ratchet it up several notches - enlarging motifs, brightening colors, expanding on themes to make them more interesting and just a little different from the traditional look you might have been expecting.

Great news - Diamond Baratta Design has a new publication due to be released in October! I can't wait to see it. I know it will not disappoint.
Four more books complete today's list of favorites. They are, again, books I can look at frequently, and know I can always count on finding new ideas just popping off their pages.

I just adore everything Cindy Rinfret does! This book is loaded with gorgeous pictures.
I consider it a necessity in my library.

Well, I think I'll sign off now...I feel the lure of some good reading and a glass of vin rouge!